Notice of Special Meeting to Amend the By-laws
Saturday, September 17th @6:00 AM PST
The Bridge Board of Directors have scheduled a special meeting to amend the By-Laws as described below. If you meet the eligibility criteria listed below, you are eligible to attend and vote on the proposed change. Please review the criteria and if you plan on attending, RSVP your intention no later than September 5th so we can validate your eligibility. Respond to and provide an email and phone number. You will be provided with a Zoom link prior to the meeting.
Criteria to Attend
- Professes to be a born-again follower of Christ.
- Endorses the organization’s mission statement. (As written below, in Article II Statement of Purpose.)
- Has either made a financial contribution to the organization or attended two or more meetings in the preceding twelve months.
- Endorses the following statement of faith:
Statement of Faith:
We believe that the Bible, consisting of all the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments, is the infallible, verbal, inspired Word of God. We believe the Bible is without error in the original manuscripts and is the complete revelation of God’s will for the salvation of individuals and is the Divine, final authority for every age and every life.
We believe in one God, Creator of all things, infinitely perfect and eternally existing in three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe that God, by His sovereign choice and out of His love for mankind, sent Jesus into the world to save sinners.
We believe that Jesus Christ in the flesh was true God and true man, God the Son and the Son of God, that He was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin, that He lived a sinless life, that He died upon the cross, the just for the unjust, as representative and substitutionary sacrifice for our sins and that He rose bodily from the grave the third day according to the Scriptures. Later He ascended to the Father’s right hand where He is Head of the Church and intercedes for believers and from where He is coming again personally, bodily and visible to this earth to set up His kingdom of righteousness and peace. We believe that the Holy Spirit is a Person, is God and possesses all the Divine attributes. His ministry is to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ. He convicts individuals of sin, righteousness, and judgment and at the moment of salvation He regenerates, indwells, baptizes and seals all believers. As He places believers into the Body of Christ, He also gives them spiritual gifts, to be used in love and for the purpose of edifying the Body and winning non-believers. He also fills and empowers the believer in response to confession of sin and yieldedness.
We believe that man was originally created in the image of God. Through disobedience to God, the first man sinned, thereby incurring not only physical death but also spiritual death, which is a separation from God. Now all human beings are born with sinful natures and are separated from the life of God therefore all human beings without Christ are under just condemnation without defense or excuse.
We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures and that all who believe in Him are justified on the grounds of His shed blood. We believe that all who receive by faith the Lord Jesus Christ are born of the Holy Spirit and thereby become children of God, a relationship in which they are eternally secure. We believe that such salvation with its forgiveness of sins, its impartation of a new nature and its hope of eternal life, is entirely apart from good works, baptism, church membership, or man’s effort and is of pure grace. We believe that true salvation will result in a Christian desiring to grow in spiritual maturity through obedience to the Word of God and faith in the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
We believe that the true Church is composed of all such persons who through saving faith in Jesus Christ have been regenerated by the Holy Spirit and are united together in the Body of Christ. We believe that Jesus Christ is the Lord and Head of the Church and that every local church has the right under Christ, to decide and govern its own affairs. We believe the local church is a body of believers in Christ who gather to build believers to maturity through worship, instruction, fellowship, service and who scatter to proclaim salvation through Jesus Christ. We believe that water baptism and the Lord’s Supper are ordinances to be observed by the Church during this present age. They are, however, not to be regarded as a means of salvation.
We believe in the personal, premillennial and imminent coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. This is the believer’s blessed hope and is a vital truth, which is an incentive to holy living and faithful service. We believe that there will be a time of judgment of the whole earth known as the Tribulation. This period will be climaxed by the return of Christ to the earth at which time Satan will be bound, the curse will be lifted from the earth and Jesus will reign for 1000 years. We believe in the bodily resurrection of the dead: of the believer to everlasting blessedness, fellowship and joy with the Lord; of the unbeliever to judgment at the Great White Throne Judgment and because of his or her persistent rejection of Christ in this present life, everlasting conscious punishment, separated forever from God.
**The Board reserves the right to refuse or revoke membership to/from any person it deems has not fulfilled any of the above four qualifications.
Article II: Statement of Purpose
The Bridge Ministries is located in Carson City, Nevada (USA) and our mission is to comfort and encourage needy children in third world countries, by meeting their basic physical needs, to provide resources for the Christian education of those children so they might one day be able to meet their own needs, and to build relationships on both sides of our bridge that will support the local believers and equip us to be witnesses for Jesus Christ.
The organization is established to facilitate and coordinate fundraising and the forwarding of donor finances used for the support of Christian mission projects in third world countries. The organization also exists for the purpose of providing research and planning of aid projects for the needy in those countries.
Proposed Changes to By-Laws:
Current Article:
Article VII: Amendment of By-Laws
These By-Laws shall be amended only by a minimum two-thirds vote of the total membership in attendance at a scheduled meeting of the directors. The membership shall be notified either by publication on the organization website, or by mail, of any proposed bylaw amendments at least 25 days prior to the board and membership meeting.
The Board may only change the by-laws without a vote of the membership when said changes have been mandated by federal, state, or local authorities.
Proposed Change:
Article VII: Amendment of By-laws
These By-laws shall be amended only by a minimum two-thirds vote of the Directors. Directors shall be notified by email or by U.S. mail, of any proposed By-law amendments at least 21 days prior to the Board meeting. An acknowledgment of receipt of the notice shall be recorded.
The Board may only change the By-laws without a vote of the membership when said changes have been mandated by federal, state, or local authorities.